Lunar Shadows
Astrological Consultant Dietrech J. Pessin
Using The Predictive Power of Moon Phases & Eclipses
Personal, Relationships, Business
Tel: 617-924-0929 / 617-558-7233
Webinar with Dietrech Pessin
On Saturday, May 30, 2020, I will present a webinar covering the three eclipses over the next several weeks. This is a highly charged global arena in our lifetime. As we strive to thrive in isolation we crave the comfort of family and friends. God bless the many who have lost so much more. As we look to astrology to understand what we are going through and how long this will last, we have a finely tuned choreographed solar system to shine light on this global drama.
We will explore not only the connections to the coronavirus but other relevant topics to these times. Many notes can be applied to your personal situations.
The webinar will be presented on my application. Each participant will receive a copy of the webinar with both audio and video. You are welcome to ask questions in the last 15 minutes and also send me emails for any concise questions regarding your own interest about these eclipses.
To register you can email me and I will send you a PayPal invoice for $35 or you can send it directly to PayPal via this email address. If you are not able to attend on Saturday May 30th, you may receive a copy of the class for $25.
Please supply your complete birth data with your questions. Looking forward to seeing you next week.
The recording is being transcribed now but here is the soundcloud file.
Dietrech in Watertown, MA authored Lunar Shadows III: The Predictive Power of Moon Phases and Eclipses, which details her 1991 discovery of the Lunar Gestation Cycle (a predictive Moon phase technique featured in Solar Fire). Since 1995, she broadcasts weekly astrology reports on WZBC 90.3 FM Newton, MA Saturdays 9:30 AM. Join Sunday classes for dynamic insights into eclipses, stations, progressions, returns and declination, Part of Fortune, and more.
To sign up online, call 617-924-0929, text 617-558-7233; Email; Website
Video/Recordings of classes are available.